You are a second year PA student on your final clinical placement in Accident & Emergency. It is 3.30 am and you have been assisting the busy A&E staff with a patient.
An ambulance crew brings in a middle-aged man on a stretcher and approaches the triage desk, where a junior nurse takes the details:
Mr. Patel, a 68 year old Asian cleaner, awoke desperately short of breath at about 2 am. He is now asking to go home repeatedly during the assessment when he is able to catch his breath. His wife is also quite distressed and tells the triage nurse that he gets very anxious in hospitals ever since his sister died in this A+E. She tells you he is known to have panic attacks.
The nurse is unsure where to put him, and asks your advice. Mrs. Patel takes you aside; “I think you should just let him go home now, he hates this hospital and has got himself in an awful state. I can take him to the GP in the morning, if he's no better by then."
What do you decide to do?